We need nature. Harrison Ford's speech
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We need nature
We need Nature, Nature doesn’t need us.”
This is the message Harrison Ford delivers at the Global Climate Action Summit, the annual Climate Change conference.
If we want to take care of ourselves, we must take care of Nature because we are part of it. To take care of ourselves is to take care of the air we breathe, to take care of the water we drink and the environment in which we live, to take care of ourselves is to take care of nature.
The human being has become the virus of the planet, just as a virus enters an organism and begins to destroy and consume it until it collapses and we are not aware that at this rate, the organism of the plan will collapse irremediably.
Doing what is in our hands is important on a daily basis to feel good about ourselves and to take care of Nature. It is in our hands to consume less plastic, less meat or fish, to reduce water consumption, not to use polluting vehicles by opting for renewable energies, but none of this will work if we do not stop giving power to people who make the big decisions in society thinking only of their personal or economic interest, this is what Harrison Ford wants to emphasize in his speech.
Global warming is a reality, yet we put our future in the hands of people who lead us thinking only of making a few years of profit without thinking of the general welfare, and the welfare of the planet is in the interest of all of us. We are not aware and we support leaders who do not have any kind of medium-term vision, because their only interest is to make a quick profit, as long as their mandates last. According to Harrison Ford in his speech, by stopping the destruction of ecosystems, we would be achieving 30% of the climate change goals.
To be conscious is to realize is to realize how we function and that we need nature, taking care of our environment, to understand and feel that nature and we are one, we are part of the same thing, so we must take care of it as much as we take care of ourselves.
Don’t believe anything you just read, experiment and think for yourself.
Wake up
Wake up!
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