Lost in society

0 3 years ago

Maybe this blue dot reminds you of yourself, lost from one side to the other in a society that is moving faster and faster.

Fast food, fast service, fast relationships, fast marriages, fast jobs… we live fast, society, technology, has lied us into frenetic rhythms, which does not allow us to stop and think.

That blue dot in the video may remind you of yourself disoriented in the fast-paced environment, but no, it’s a blue whale.

The scientific study by the Universidad Austral de Chile says that, in the Gulf of Chile, there are only 200 to 700 whales left, without food, stressed, frightened and displaced by ships and hull strikes, especially at night since they are at the surface where they find food.

Paradoxically, the human being is the same in the world, lost, aimless, frightened, stressed and bewildered by so much noise, stimuli and activity, without a sense of life.

Stop for a moment and think, stop for a moment and breathe, stop for a moment and wake up.

Take a look at the video ?

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