Hitting bottom is the beginning of change

Touching bottom to wake up

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We hit rock bottom in life

Hitting bottom in life is the beginning of change, the beginning of the awakening of consciousness.

Sometimes after a depression, hitting rock bottom is the beginning of change, the beginning of the awakening of consciousness or the also misnamed awakening of consciousness or awakening of spiritual awareness. In principle it sounds like a convoluted term but in reality it is very simple and tremendously practical for our daily life and to get to have a full life.

To hit bottom is to feel that the life you lead does not make you happy and the person (or character) you have become is not you, you do not recognize it, you do not like it.

If we do not take care of our thoughts, they generate emotions that lead us to sometimes irrational actions. Taking care of our thoughts, this is the principle of cognitive behavioral therapy. It is a very simple concept but at the same time very complicated to apply, but if it is put into practice and eventually mastered, life becomes much easier.

Awakening our consciousness, we realize, we are aware and we begin to see things differently, as we can see in this example, a fragment of the movie Hannah and her sisters, by the charismatic Woody Allen. In it we see how the protagonist lives the experience of hitting rock bottom in life to wake up and start living life differently. The message left at the end of the scene is very revealing becauselife is not living worried about things that have not even happened, living life and being happy is to enjoy it, living in the here and now.

Watch what you think and you will be choosing your emotions and your actions. If you have touched bottom in this pandemic, don’t stop the change that has been born in you, and start living differently.

Don’t believe anything you just read, experiment and think for yourself.

Wake up

Wake up!

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